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"There will always be trends, but I think, by being true to yourself and your art, you will set the trend" - Tara McPherson

Thursday 9 December 2010

Dave McKean's Album Designs

FRONT I like it's simplicity and the way the title
is picked out in colour
BACK I like the way it links to the front of the cover
and also the way the track list is set out

With this Album cover, I like how McKean has incorporated 
the band members in the design. I like the vibrant colours 
and 'burnt out' effect. Like the rest of McKean's work, 
the photographs used in the final product are really shadowed 
and contrasty and from interesting angles which fits in really 
well with the style. I also like the the typography, how it's 
composed and how it's not plain, but not so complicated that 
it's difficult to make out.

I really like the way that the back and front cover link with the circle in the middle but the contrast between the covers is highly contrasted, with the front cover being a collage and very computerized, and the back cover being just a simple photograph.

I like this design because of the collagey effect, how it makes up  a bigger picture.
I also like the darkness and the contrast.

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